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55 Years old

0.00 miles away.
Views: 17 times

Last logged in on 01/14/08 02:18
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     Llunna02's Details
Status:Being very artistic
Sexual Orientation:married
Zodiac Sign:gemini
Occupation:home and health aide/LNA
Children:Proud Parent

     Llunna02's Interests
I am here for:A realitive from my past. To sit and talk to Mary Magdelene to get the real story. Cleopatra's secrets. Gandi's view on the world now. Egar allen Poe to read me "his way" of the Raven. Stevie Nicks,Kate Bush,Tori Amos to sing to me. And to have my dad sitting with me once again~~~
Interests:I have many, organically garden all plants, vegetables, and herbs. A painter, potter, batik and tye dye clothes and tapestries. A drummer of many differnt types. and also play the flute and Shawm. Birding,walks the ocean, rocks, shells, trees,etc. I enjoy all that the Goddess has to give me~~
Movies:I love dramas,fantasy films,thrillers,and always a good comedy!
Television:I like to watch the discovery channels, sci fi,science,chiller,bbca,learning channels,travel, etc
Books:Celtic tree mysteries, Avalon magazine
Heroes:My Memere for always keeping me rooted in the earth,and my parents,Dad for his love of life (Miss you dad) and mom for her survival of Cancer and many other elements. ( i would cut my hair off for you again mother! :) )And for her love right now~ ***

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Welcome to my profile!

I will always find my way by the bright full moon~


Llunna02 got 2 votes with an average ranking of 5/5

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   About Llunna02
My name is Amy Llunna, Llunna my spiritual name.Im a tree hugging dirt worshipper! I live in a beautiful part of the USA New Hampshire. Close to the mountains and the sea. My very favorite places. I am a mom to a very loveing son, Dakota, A friend, and a Priestess to the mother Goddess. Started my journey early. I have american Indain (Mic Mac) and french on moms side. And Engish,Irish and a wee bit of Scottish on dads. I also have lots of animals that surround me with love. I love birding and belong to the Nashuaway Audobon society. A Blessed womans circle I also have. We dance and trance and have a wonderful time enjoying our Sabbats.We also venture to England for festivals and just to feel the energies of the ley lines and Mother. I organically garden all plants, vegetables, and herbs. A painter, potter, batik and tye dye clothes and tapestries. A drummer of many differnt types. and also play the flute and Shawm. I enjoy all that the Goddess has to give me and blessed with a wonderful family and friends.Blessings to all!

   Llunna02's Music
i am a lover all many differnt types of music. to rock n roll (Grateful dead,santanna,led zepplin,doors,fleetwood mac etc.) To Stevie Nicks, Kate Bush,Tori Amos,Folk singers, Joni Mitchel, Janis,melissa Ferrick etc. Damien Rice Rusted Root sophie Lux Etc. A old timer metal freak from the 80'S love Mr. Manson, slayer, Judas Priest,NIN,Cradle of filth. Etc.Love all type of pagan music, Lorrena Mc Kennitt, Blackmore's Night,Emerald Rose,celtic music to world music to trance and dance!~

   Llunna02's Friend's
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hello to you!

Date 10/15/07 05:55

thank you for your sweet comment! ;-))) yay, you sound very fun too!!! right, it's past bedtime here in Shetland and i should maybe start dreaming of sheep for this once... but will be back, dear Llunna ;-))




Date 10/15/07 05:48

wowowow, that was mega-quick! ;-))) thank you for adding me, Llunna [like your spiritual name;-)))] - great, we can start sharing ;-)))




Date 10/12/07 12:46




Date 10/12/07 12:41

Glitter Graphics & Comments


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